Bob's World

Full name: Gabriel J. S.

Nicknames: Bob, what's-his-name, the guy from accounting, mr. Y

Hobbies: I like collecting hobbies, plus I like videogames, comedy, being wierd, you know, basic stuff like that, I'm sure there's more but those are the main things.

A Joke: A guy walks into a bar and says "Give me a milk!" and the bar tender says "We don't serve milk here, this is a bar!" and so the guy points to a cow drinking milk and says "but that cows drinking it" and the bar tender says "but she brought it herself" and the guy says "Hey! Is this joke even going anywhere? I've got places to be!" and the bar tender says "I know, I don't even thing the guy writing this joke knows we're talking about him" and the guy gets up and walks over to me....and..what? and the guy says "Finish up this joke! It doesn't even have a punch line! I've got to be somewhere!"...ok, so they all live happily ever after.."No! That's not a good ending to a joke! jokes are supposed to be funny or ironic!"...ok, let's try. So the cow looks up and says "You think you've got problems?! I eat grass for friggin living!"...."Dang! You really suck at writing jokes but that will have to do" and so the guy leaves the bar and the bar tender ducks beneath the counter in fear that I'll talk to him next. Well, I think I'll go have a drink with the cow and learn how to write better jokes. Later.

Bob's World